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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

clique at museum
i love my class.seriously.love love

tmr last day of sch liao.sad si
can more people blog?
like, instead of me and tiffany.
i love 6D

5:52 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

So what stream you guys taking?

I super flunked Science LOL. Streaming year somemore. Stupid Cedar.

Oh well so im trying for DoubleScience, Pure Geog, SS/History and Physics and Chem.

6D outing anyone?

Keep this blogg alive [:


TIFFANY loves you guys(:

3:51 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

^my new ultra cute hamster ^

Hello Hello Hello!

i LOVE chemistry (and sense the sarcasm)
i passed my overall for E.O.Y joy joy joy joy
what do you guys want to take next year like for the subject combination?

i want to take full geog! physics&chem !
why not a class chalet instead of a movie thingy?
OHOHOH or we make a class tee!
let's do it.let's do it.

p.s you know i love 6D :}


4:31 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hey Guys(:

After exams must jio me out ahh! Meanwhile must mug hard and jiayous for your exams! I realised I have not camwhored in a longlonglong time):
Anyway my exams end on Oct 3rd. LOL. You all jiayou bahh(: Life's so boring, I'll start listing people in 6D that are currently attached >:D (That I know)
Timothy (I know, he found someone shorter than him, apparently.)
Eeeee must update me on latest gossips lehhh :/ and Im single im single so please jio me out, regardless of whether you're a guy or girl cuz im so bored ;D
And after exams, lets have a little something called a CLASS GATHERING!?
No hope laaa this class =.= Like half of it's deadd. Tag it more and blog more and if you dont know the email and password can ask me. ;P
I wonder how all of you are =X

10:32 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, August 8, 2008

some pics so you can rmb my face.haha=DD

ahaha.i look so spastic.

only 34 post.sad yi xia =D

happy national day eve=D

not much people blogging uh.
oh yeah.tiffany mentioned in her post.must blog.to revive this dead blog.
hmm.what to blog about.lmao.

anyone going back on teachers day? think the teachers still can rmb us anot.i still can rmb last yr i went back for teacher's day celebration.mr heng couldn't recognise us lah.so yeah.
shall blog about my sch.
my school suck.well,which sch doesnt suck.
our sch.espacially our vice principal.such like hell lor.
chinese cannot.english also cannot.imagine lah.people like this can become vp liao.what's the point of getting a good cert?!
and he is a damn slack person.nv see him do anything for our sch one.only know how to drink coffee in his office.
okay.here's some of the dumb mistake he made.
"one teacherS,12 student"
"we should not make PRUNG calls"
"we cannot practice UNhonesty"

and many more retarded stuff.but i too lazy post.haha

and now.it's our dm!
whee.and you know.HE DONT KNOW HOW TO TALK.cool right
cos he shout.and you know what i heard.like from the back of the hall when he is like shouting.
i heard " uhakdhuqhrkjqhdnkjqhwdkn" uhh.i damn serious.
and he gave one detention to a class moniter just because one of his class boy dint tuck in his shirt.WTF.

okay.the principal is still okay.she builds alot of things for our sch.so yeah.good principal.and plus.all 3 of them just came in this yr.and i prefer last year's principal,vp and espacially dm.she's nicer lah can.and she teaches lit.

oh yah.what sub you guys planning to take next year? =]

5:35 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Im back to blogging here(:

Okayy. Wait I do Math first ._.

OKAY. Now. who going back to NCP? ;D Actually Im not. Hahahahha. =X
So how's school? Post, people!! (:
and tag my blog too!

12:16 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, June 20, 2008

hi world.hi people.=D

sch reopening on monday.holiday pass so fast.

i hate my new principle.i hate my new vice principle.i hate my new dm.
suck lah can.all change at one time.tt vice principle.language not good also can become vice principle.whats the point of studying.
dm.only know how to scream and scream for no reason.and he's a guy.like omfg.

must we like go arnd every blog and advertise tt thr's a 6d blog? and it existed for arnd one year alr.and our class gathering.got 2 times alr.like 2 times dou shi bai.who will still dare organise another one?

thats all now.who want change the blog song or skin go ahead.im gettin' bored of it =DD and i too lazy go find skin.


- Jeztine

8:06 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

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